Siri is Apple’s voice-activated virtual personal assistant for iPhone.Siri can be used to set reminders, schedule appointments, send text messages and give directions.

But some people are concerned with what Siri records when it hears the words “Hey Siri.” Next 10 News takes a look at how much information Siri can actually access on your phone and who has access to that information.

SIRI: Hello? What do you need? You can ask me anything and I will answer truthfully.

The first question we asked Siri was, “Why am I here?”  We had a few different answers from Siri, but the most interesting response was, ” I’m not allowed to answer that question.”

Siri also has the power to perform certain functions on your phone.  If you say “Hey Siri,” she will take your request and run with it if you have an iPhone 6s or higher.  

What kind of stuff can siri do?

The other day I was asking Siri how far it is from Flordia to Texas and the next thing you know, When I woke up , my phone was completely drained.

I asked Siri what she thought about Google Now and if she felt threatened by google’s new assistant.  She told me that was a very long answer.

Apparently Siri is very cautious with her answers, especially when it comes to questions about other virtual personal assistants.

When we asked if she liked Google Now, she said “That’s a tough one.”

Siri also said she uses Bing to search the web.

If you ask what her favorite color is, She will say “I like them all, but I’m fond of simple black.”

When asked if she like cats or dogs better, Siri told us it was a tough question and she preferred dragons.

When we asked for the meaning of life, Siri had a very existential answer about how we cannot know the meaning of our own lives.

When we asked what her favorite movie was, she told us “I like many movies and I also like music.”

After answering some personal questions and getting ghostly responses, we decided it was time to see if we could get any dirt on our virtual personal assistant

We asked Siri “What are you wearing?”  She said she was not allowed to answer that question.

Next, we found a video online of someone asking Alexa, Amazon’s version of Siri, what her bra size was.

Siri didn’t seem to like the questions involving clothing or body parts.  She told us she did not answer those questions.

So we started asking her more general questions including, how many people in Florida have an iPhone and do you think that is too many .  She said the first question was a tough one and then she answered ” Based on market share data from comScore , I would guess that around half of the people in Florida have an iPhone.”

Siri seemed to be pretty honest about her answers, but I wanted to know what kind of information other virtual personal assistants had access to.  

Apple’s Siri said she could not answer any personal questions because she wanted to respect our privacy.

What Happens if you say 112 to Siri?

On an iPhone, Siri will automatically dial 911.

The more information you add to your phone, the easier it is for a virtual personal assistant to access it.  This means if you use Apple’s Notes app, Siri could potentially have access to any passwords or Social Security numbers on your account.

Google Now can gain access to all of your contacts, photos, emails and texts.

That means Siri can also see all of that information if you have it linked to Google’s account.

Amazon’s Alexa only has access to what you would find on Amazon.  It cannot access any other apps on your phone.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to virtual personal assistants.  As we continue to give them more information and access, they will become even more helpful and powerful.


it seems that siri is the most honest of all.

However, it’s scary to think about how much access these virtual assistants have to your personal life even though you don’t give them any information.  they are always listening and know everything about your life including what password you use for your bank account or school accounts.