Vibration is a feature on most cell phones these days. It allows you to feel the phone vibrate when someone is trying to contact you, even if the sound is turned off. There are pros and cons to this handy feature, but many people still find it useful.

The different types of vibration on phones

Most cell phones have three different types of vibration: standard, strong, and double.

  • Standard vibration is just a light vibration on your phone. It works well when you do not want the noise to disturb people around you and you can feel it through your pocket or purse.
  • Strong vibration is the same as standard, but stronger and therefore slightly louder.
  • Double vibration uses both the main motor on your phone and a secondary motor to make a double vibrate sound. This was originally created for people with visual impairments to more easily feel a phone vibrate.

Most people find that standard vibration is the most useful, as it is not too strong or too weak. However, you may want to try out all three types to see which one works best for you.

Why does my phone keep vibrating

There are a few different reasons why your phone might be vibrating even when you do not have any notifications set to vibrate. One possibility is that a setting on your phone is turned on that causes it to vibrate for all notifications, regardless of whether you have them set to vibrate or not. To check this, go to Settings -> Notifications and see if there is an option called Vibrate on Silent. If it is turned on, your phone will vibrate for all notifications, including calls, texts, and emails. You can either turn this off or customize the settings so that it only vibrates for certain types of notifications.

Another possibility is that an app on your phone is causing it to vibrate. For example, the default alarm app might cause your phone to vibrate when you set an alarm even if it is not set to do so. Check under Settings -> Apps to see which apps are running and then check their settings to ensure that they are not causing your phone to vibrate. If none of these possibilities apply or if you cannot find a setting to stop your phone from vibrating, it is possible that there is an issue with the motor on your device. This means you should contact someone at your wireless carrier’s store or call customer service.

The pros of vibration on a phone

Some people find that vibration is a helpful way to know when they are receiving a phone call or text, even if they have the sound turned off. This is because it allows them to feel the phone vibrate, which is often louder than the ringtone. Vibration can also be helpful for people with visual impairments, as it makes it easier to feel the phone vibrate

The cons of vibration on a phone

The cons of vibration on a phone are that it can be disruptive to people around you and it can also drain your battery more quickly than if you do not have it turned on. Vibration can also be confusing if you are not expecting a phone call or text and your phone starts vibrating. Vibration in public places can also be annoying to people next to you, if they have their sound on and your phone is set to vibrate.


Vibration can be useful for some people, but it is also important to think about how others around you will react when they hear that sound or feel the vibrations. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to turn off vibration so as not to disturb someone else nearby, consider using standard instead of strong or double vibrate settings. You might also want to invest in an app like Airplane Mode Pro which allows you to disable all noise from your device while still being able to use apps without running out of battery life.