Destiny 2 Guardian Games

In the Titans Arena, Bungie transformed a Crucible map into a gladiatorial arena where players could fight as if they were in the Colosseum of Rome. The event now known as “Doubles” gave Guardians an opportunity to fight together in what was Bungie’s first step toward creating an environment where Guardians can practice their skills with other players.

It has recently come to light that there is a Destiny 2 game mode known as “Trials of the Nine” which is essentially fireteams vs Fireteams. This leads us to believe that this new game mode will take place in a similar arena as the one from The Taken King event. This time however, it will be a more formalized version of the old “Doubles” game type and won’t be limited to certain maps.

Guardian Games can be accessed via the Crucible Quartermaster (located in the Tower) and selecting the Trials of the Nine playlist. The games will play like a standard PvP mode where you must win your rounds to earn rewards.

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When Is Daily Reset Destiny 2?

Daily reset is at 1 AM Pacific time. 2 AM Mountain Time 3 AM Central Time 4 AM Eastern Time 5 AM British Summer Time 6 AM (June-August) Daylight Savings 7 AM (October-March) Standard Time 8 AM (November-February) Daylight Savings 9 AM (April-September) Standard Time 10AM British Summertime 11 AM (February-April) Daylight Savings 12 PM (October-February) Standard Time.

How To Play Destiny 2 Guardian Games

Guardian Games can be accessed via the Crucible Quartermaster (located in the Tower) and selecting the Trials of the Nine playlist. The games will play like a standard PvP mode where you must win your rounds to earn rewards. However, if your team loses two rounds you are out of the match. This makes for intense fights where players must communicate with one another to ensure victory.

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Tips for Playing Destiny 2 Guardian Games

Ensure that you’re playing with friends and not random players. This way you can ensure you will win at least two rounds to proceed further into the match. It’s also recommended that everyone on your team has headphones and a good headset so they may be able to hear instructions from their teammates better than those who don’t have headsets.

Gameplay of Destiny 2 Guardian Games

This new game mode will be very similar to the one that Bungie played during The Taken King event. Bungie did not release too much information about this event so it is hard to tell if they plan on making any changes. However, players can expect these rounds to go quickly so you must communicate with your team and engage enemies as soon as possible.

Who Should Buy This Game, and Who Shouldn’t Buy It

As long as you’re ok with playing online, this game is for everyone. Anyone who enjoys the PvP aspect of Destiny 2 should definitely buy this game because it adds even more variety to the Crucible. However, if you do not enjoy competitive PvP content then this DLC is not aimed at you and you should look elsewhere.

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As long as you’re ok with playing online, this game is for everyone. Anyone who enjoys the PvP aspect of Destiny 2 should definitely buy this game because it adds even more variety to the Crucible.

Final Thoughts on the Game

This is a great way for people who enjoy the PvP aspect of Destiny 2 to get more of what they want. If you don’t play competitive PvP games then this DLC is not meant for you and will not add anything special to your gaming experience. However, if you love PvP content in general, this game mode adds a whole new layer to the Crucible and will definitely get you excited for the Trials of Osiris event in August.


The Trials Of The Nine game mode is very similar to the previous “Doubles” game type. However, this time players are allowed to bring two friends instead of one and they also earn rewards for playing which can be redeemed at the end of each match. As long as you like PvP content (and communicate with your team) this DLC adds a whole new layer to the Crucible and is definitely worth checking out.


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