Introduction Today, the world-renowned designer, Jony Ive – the Chief Design Officer of Apple for...
Introduction It has been an eventful few months in the Indonesian FinTech space with several...
Amazon Luna officially launched in the US today and offers Prime members free games. With...
Amazon Luna is Amazon’s cloud gaming platform. It gives gamers access to various streaming video...
PingOne is a cloud platform that enables organizations to protect their critical infrastructure by managing...
Zero trust, sometimes called “Zero,” is an emerging security model focused on eliminating untrusted actions...
In light of increased cyber threats, companies like CrowdStrike, Cloudflare, and Ping Identity have joined...
Lightlytics is a cloud-focused startup that helps technology companies accelerate their cloud infrastructure and reduce...
Lightlytics is a comprehensive analytics and analytics reporting solution that has helped businesses create more...
Lightlytics, a company designed to help DevOps teams in their day to day operations, recently...