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Lightlytics, a company designed to help DevOps teams in their day to day operations, recently raised $26M in a funding round to help them grow their services and offer more capabilities to customers.

Lightlytics’ mission is to help DevOps teams make more informed decisions by helping them measure, monitor, manage, and analyze the data they collect.

In this article, we’ll explore how DevOps teams can start using Lightlytics, and the benefits it can bring to their organization.

Lightlytics raises $26M to help DevOps teams

Lightlytics is an analytics platform designed to make it easier for DevOps teams to track metrics, evaluate performance, and measure business outcomes. It allows teams to collect, analyze and store data more quickly and accurately than manual processes, providing insights into application health and user experience.

Some of the features that Lightlytics provides include auto-instrumentation capabilities that enable teams to automatically ingest data without writing manually code. Additionally Lightlytics offers visualization tools to clarify what the data collected by the tool is saying – allowing teams to find correlations between their application health metrics, user needs and business outcomes.

Furthermore, Lightlytics can be used beyond DevOps applications – its highly extensible approach allows teams from marketing, customer experience or product development departments to adjust the platform according their specific needs or preferences. In addition to collecting analytic data, this platform can also aggregate behavioural events such as user and system generated events, which can be useful in visualising key behavioural trends and patterns in your application or product usage.

Lightlytics has been designed with scalability in mind – its clustering capabilities allow for easy scaling of infrastructure if more capacity is needed for larger projects and its machine learning capabilities allow for quick filtering of data that could potentially contain any anomalies or outliers from your dataset that may skew your results.

What are the benefits of using Lightlytics?

Lightlytics is a powerful data logging and analysis platform that DevOps teams can use to optimize their operations. With its expansive feature set, Lightlytics offers significant benefits over traditional logging and analytics processes, helping your team take proactive steps to mitigate issues, identify trends, and ensure success in software delivery.

The key features of Lightlytics include:

  • Data ingestion from many sources: Collect logs from code deployments and real-time user feedback so you can quickly respond to issues.
  • Real-time monitoring: Drill down metrics for immediate proactive insights about project performance.
  • Intuitive Dashboards: Easily visualize data points to detect errors and understand complex relationships for more meaningful results.
  • Data analysis & prediction capabilities: Automated intelligent analysis transforms raw log data into easy to navigate statistics that accurately reveal trends or changes over time.
  • Integrations & plugins: Create custom alerts with external systems like Slack, PagerDuty, Zapier, AWS Cloudwatch.
  • Unified Logging Platform: Consolidate all events in one centralized system with custom view filters so you can quickly pinpoint relevant critical situations.

Lightlytics can help your DevOps team become more agile, efficient, and secure in the applications they deploy—all while reducing unplanned downtime and unexpected customer problems. By leveraging this powerful tool you’ll be able to make smarter decisions faster while keeping pace with your changing business needs.

Getting Started

With Lightlytics’ recent success of raising $26 million to help DevOps teams, it is important to understand how to get started with this platform.

Lightlytics is a platform specifically designed to help DevOps teams manage their workloads and track their processes in a more efficient and streamlined way.

This article will provide an overview of the platform and how to get started.

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Setting up Lightlytics

Lightlytics brings together the best of data science and DevOps teams to create an open platform for predictive analytics. To start using Lightlytics, there are several different steps your DevOps team should follow.

First, decide what analytics techniques you want to apply and determine the data sources you will use. You will also need to set up users and roles within your organization and define access rights based on those roles.

Next, set up your integration framework by configuring connectors between the different platforms where data originates or is processed. This may include sources such as databases, streaming services, connected devices, cloud-based applications and other DevOps tools. Once the infrastructure is in place you can start collecting data from all these sources into unified datasets.

Finally, design your analytics models by selecting techniques for analyzing datasets such as decision trees and clustering algorithms that provide insights into user behavior or customer preferences to drive innovation or optimize processes across the organization. You can also utilize visualization tools that make it easy to see patterns within large quantities of data quickly and accurately to spark business decisions quickly.

Integrating Lightlytics with existing DevOps tools

Integrating Lightlytics with existing DevOps tools is an effective way to manage complexity and optimise productivity. To get started, teams must integrate Lightlytics into their existing systems, such as continuous integration, monitoring, logging and security. Once this has been done, teams can use Lightlytics to gain insight into application performance and workflow trends.

Integrating Lightlytics with existing DevOps tools can also automate deployments and help ensure that applications are optimized and secure. Teams can use Lightlytics’ on-premise or cloud-based APIs to seamlessly integrate their existing DevOps tools. This makes it easier for teams to track application performance in real-time and detect potential anomalies quickly.

Additionally, integrating Lightlytics with existing DevOps tools can enable teams to reduce manual interventions through automation. This allows for faster deployments of new iterations of applications as well as reduced human errors associated with manual checks and interactions. With the help of robust API integrations spanning different tools in the DevOps pipeline, developers can maintain quality assurance by automating end-to-end testing processes which allow them to detect bugs before they reach production environments.


Lightlytics is a platform designed to help DevOps teams manage and monitor their applications quickly and easily. It enables teams to collect, store, and analyze application metrics, traces, and logs in real time, enabling them to take more informed and strategic decisions.

In this section, we will discuss the features of Lightlytics that can help DevOps teams get started with the platform.

Automated anomaly detection

Anomaly detection is one of the most powerful features available in Lightlytics, and can help DevOps teams quickly identify problems in their systems. Anomaly detection considers variables such as user activity, changes in server metrics, and other anomalies when triggered. When anomalies are detected in the system, notifications can be sent to stakeholders or operations teams to take action if needed. With anomaly detection, teams can address issues quickly and minimize application downtime.

Lightlytics also features a customizable dashboard to monitor system performance, where users can set thresholds for metric monitoring. It also has granular access control capabilities so the team can restrict access according to organizational roles. This helps prevent any unauthorized access or data leakage from taking place in your system environment. Lightlytics supports integration with other third-party tools such as Splunk and AWS CloudWatch. This provides greater visibility into what is happening inside your infrastructure and ensures that all development system components are reliable and secure.

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Automated root cause analysis

Lightlytics is a powerful toolkit for IT teams to increase performance and visibility, automate root cause analysis, and improve customer satisfaction. Automated root cause analysis lets your team quickly pinpoint and fix issues across applications, services/microservices, containers/Kubernetes resources, and more. By seeing what happened in a failure-filled environment before, during and after an issue occurred on any of these levels, teams can quickly identify where the issue originated and decide how to remedy it or prevent it from occurring again.

Lightlytics automates the identification of root cause in six steps:

1. Collect – Lightlytics collect highly granular data from your infrastructure components at a much higher frequency than traditional methodologies such as polling. This data includes amongst others availability metrics for hosts & services, monitoring metrics (e.g., system resource utilizations), execution logs (logs generated by applications and services), traces (debugging information which can be traced back to source code level) as well as APM profiles.

2. Aggregate – The data is aggregated into meaningful events & correlation primitives which further reduces the complexity of root cause analysis with regards to scale as well as accuracy in locating issues within complex environments such as microservices-based architectures & clustered databases such as MongoDB or Cassandra clusters running within containerized environments using Kubernetes or DC/OS frameworks.

3. Analyze – Automated forecasting algorithms are utilized to detect anomalies before an issue occurs & take the necessary steps ahead of time to avert potential incidents rather than being reactive after an incident has already occurred & triggered outages for your customers or users alike.

4. Prioritize – Relevant anomalies are identified & prioritized based on impact assessment which takes into account a wide variety of indicators such as business value/criticality scores allocated across each service layer involved within the incident’s scope; thus minimizing noise & alert fatigue related during operations phases & maximizing efficiency levels overall determine what needs immediate attention & addressing rather than wasting valuable time undergoing bed-checking exercises within large environments overlooking actual problems at hand due to this ever arising alert fatigue phenomena that plagues almost all.

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Automated incident response

Modern DevOps teams need to be able to respond quickly and predictably to any incidents that arise. Automated incident response with Lightlytics helps DevOps team create automated processes that enable fast and effective actions, such as alerting key team members, taking reactive steps such as pausing rolling deployments, or isolating irregularities in an application.

Lightlytics’ automated incident response features allow DevOps teams to easily build rules for specific scenarios, including detection thresholds for abnormal server metrics within a percentile or exceeding a particular frequency. Such thresholds can also detect heavy-weight requests like long running database queries or incoming requests with slow response time. The rule definitions capture the circumstances under which an incident occurs and the possible associated responses.

By leveraging the power of automation and rules with Lightlytics’ incident response feature, DevOps teams can manage any known or unknown issues in production quickly and efficiently. This helps improve the uptime of applications while simultaneously keeps operational costs low.

Use Cases

Lightlytics is a platform designed to provide DevOps teams with the tools they need to visualize their data and ensure the highest quality and performance. This platform helps DevOps teams make informed decisions, improve processes, and reduce costs.

By utilizing Lightlytics, DevOps teams can tackle their most critical challenges, like data visualization, and build the most efficient solutions.

Let’s look at some use cases of DevOps teams using Lightlytics.

Automating incident response

Automating incident response is one of the primary use cases for DevOps teams leveraging the Lightlytics platform. This process involves combining different tools, such as code testing, system checks and dashboard monitoring, to quickly identify and address issues before they become major problems. With Lightlytics, you can gain insights into incident resolution at scale by aggregating data from your whole environment and making sense of it in real time.

Using Lightlytics’ sophisticated alerting and reporting capabilities, you can automate your responses to incidents, preventing them from escalating into further disruption. Lightlytics enables teams to break the cycle of fix-blast-forget incidents. In addition, our platform provides an integrated view of your environment and its performance, giving you a holistic overview for proactive decision making across all stages of your development lifecycle.

Moreover, this automated incident response service will help address any potential incident promptly before it becomes a major business risk or operational disruption.

Automating root cause analysis

Root cause analysis is key for DevOps teams to learn from incidents and continuously improve their products. Using automation helps identify and fix underlying issues and implement preventative and corrective measures faster.

With Lightlytics, setting up automatic root cause analysis is easy and helps teams pinpoint the source of outages quickly so they can immediately take corrective action. Lightlytics produces an evidence-based timeline that detects common problems like noisy neighbor events or microservices upstream errors. This timeline can be then be used to identify particular pieces of code that were part of an incident before operations specialists can intervene to correct the issue.

Additionally, the Lightlytics platform provides valuable visibility into system health; alerts show when services are going down or thresholds are exceeded, enabling teams to act on potential issues before they become actual outages or other problems that could lead to diminished end user experience.

Automating anomaly detection

Using Lightlytics, DevOps teams can immediately start automating anomaly detection. Users can choose from a list of data sources through an intuitive user interface or create custom sources. Then they simply select the metrics they would like to be automatically monitored. This can encompass various metrics such as system load, disk or memory usage, or application-level performance metrics.

Once the data sources are configured and the relevant metrics are chosen, Lightlytics will automatically detect any anomalies in the data. The platform works by tracking time series data points over time and using Machine Learning algorithms to determine if there are distinct changes in patterns that indicate anomalies in performance levels. When an anomaly is detected, the user will be alerted so that the appropriate remedial steps can be taken to address it.

Thanks to its intuitive setup process, DevOps teams of any size can start utilizing Lightlytics with minimal effort and leverage its automated anomaly detection capabilities for more efficient monitoring and management of their workloads going forward.


Lightlytics raised a whopping $26M to help DevOps teams start using their product. With this funding, Lightlytics can now provide products and services to help DevOps teams manage their data flow while ensuring security, compliance and scalability.

Let’s look after this overview.

Summary of the benefits of using Lightlytics

Lightlytics is an analytics platform that facilitates DevOps teams’ data collection and analysis. By leveraging advanced messaging, tracking, and machine learning capabilities, Lightlytics helps engineering teams gain a deep understanding of their systems and how they affect the performance of their products. When used effectively, Lightlytics enables DevOps teams to quickly identify system issues and errors impacting the product’s end user experience, safety or security aspects.

In addition to providing insights on system performance, Lightlytics also offers several additional benefits. For example, with its flexible query language, DevOps teams can quickly build custom dashboards with near-real time analytics to track various metrics over time. This helps them refine their processes as they learn more about the product usage habits and performance trends impacting production environments. Lightlytics’ built-in security features also help users protect their data from unauthorized access or manipulation.

Lightlytics is an extremely valuable tool for DevOps teams looking for sophisticated analytics capabilities that offer actionable insights into their production environments. By leveraging this powerful platform’s features and capabilities, DevOps teams have access to detailed metrics that provide crucial insight into system performance and user experience trends so they can take proactive steps toward increasing product reliability and stability.

tags = DevOps startup, Lightlytics Ltd, $26 million, software-as-a-service platform, Cloud Twin, SecOps, lightlytics saas series eipwheatleysiliconangle, Shoshani